
The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join ‘or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite. As per yogic scriptures, the practice of Yoga from Mat to Life, leads to the union of individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness, denoting perfect harmony between mind & body, Man & Nature. Yoga from Mat to Life entails maintaining a stable and comfortable posture. To understand this principle, Diya yoga helps to apply this definition not only to yogic practice on the mat but also to life. It’s our duty to take charge of Rajas and tamas through Yoga from Mat to Life. The sattvic mind is the mind that we bring to the mat. Asanas or Yoga from Mat to Life is not about bodily movements, but also about maintaining the equanimity-foremost goal of the sattvic mind.

Being comfortable with being uncomfortable-By pushing awkward, embarrassing, and uncomfortable situations like meeting new people or trying out new asanas, we move beyond apprehensions expanding growth edges, signifying we become stronger and flexible resulting in minds becoming more agile and lighter. All these transformations are possible if we apply Yoga from Mat to Life into our daily existence.

Ease into the comfort-Shorten comfort zone. When we find comfort within a limited sphere, life reflects those shortcomings. We’re in sad conditions when we’re too comfortable. Don’t seek comfort, let it come to you, and understand comfort is obtained through being uncomfortable at times. All these thought-provoking and soul-searching realizations come through by practicing Yoga from Mat to Life.

Breathe & listen-In to challenging asanas, there seem to be chattering of the mind, urging you to give up, change positions, to quit. When we focus on breath (particularly ujjayi), we move beyond the physical body, offering us moments of stillness and calmness. Breathe with the intention of listening to breathe and use similar techniques if difficult, stressful situations arise out of the mat in the Yoga from Mat to Life concept. Breath manages & regulates upon surrendering to its power, soothing the soul on and off the mat.

Stillness & mindfulness yield results-Revising ways we live our stressful, hectic lives by adding either stillness or mindfulness practiced in Yoga from Mat to Life, increases our ability to remain content with life and accept life as it is. In meditation or resting postures, we observe thoughts and feelings which disappear giving us a hard-hitting realization that everything is temporary. If we apply this philosophy of transience to life, we’ll mellow down, with time, become wiser.

Try hard relentlessly-Seeking our best selves feel natural on the mat, but when we step into reality, things appear to be tricky. We struggle with asanas and real-life circumstances. In realizing our greatness, power, and potential on the mat practiced in Yoga from Mat to Life, we transfer that same mental space into real life. Being persistent on and off the mat signifies that we’re dedicated to our mission, and through perseverance, we can become what we want. Our goal should never be the journey, but the destination leading to that journey.

Value mind-body connect-Mind and body are inextricably linked. On the mat we use the brain to dominate the body, regaining dominion over thoughts and bodily functions, achieving empowerment through yoga and breathwork. If we keep in sync with the body’s subtle signs, we successfully tap links between mind and body. Faced with obstacles, pay heed to mind and body connect by listening to warning signs and symptoms.

Diya Yoga is a Yoga Alliance-certified RYS200 school located at the beautiful beach of Arambol, North Goa, India. Our yoga teacher training (YTT) course merges ancient Vedic knowledge with modern yoga asanas taught by highly skilled and trained Indian and International teachers. We decipher comprehensive theoretical and practical training programs during a 25-day structured course. After completing of 200-hour YYT course in Goa with Diya Yoga, you’ll emerge as a confident teacher with enhanced skills.Â